Kaddish: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation:(Ashk. Heb.kä'dishSeph. Heb.kä&sylpdēsh'),[key]
— pl. Kad•di•shim
  1. (斜体)一个礼拜祈祷,组成的三人or six verses, recited at specified points during each of the three daily services and on certain other occasions.
  2. (italics) Also calledthe five-verse form of this prayer that is recited at specified points during each of the three daily services by one observing the mourning period of 11 months, beginning on the day of burial, for a deceased parent, sibling, child, or spouse, and by one observing the anniversary of such a death.
  3. persons who recite this prayer.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary,Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.