Artzybashev, Mikhail Petrovich

Artzybashev, Mikhail Petrovich mēkhəyēl´ pētrô´vĭch ärtsĭbä´shĕf [key], 1878 - 1927,俄罗斯小说家,剧作家,essayist. Artzybashev's early works were short stories in the manner of Tolstoy. His novelSanine(1907, tr. 1914) created a sensation and was proscribed as pornographic in many countries. When theSaninecult subsided, he tried to maintain his popularity with similar works, e.g., the novelBreaking-Point(1912, tr. 1915). Artzybashev bitterly attacked the Bolsheviks from abroad.

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