Fedin, Konstantin Aleksandrovich

Fedin, Konstantin Aleksandrovich kənstəntyēn´ əlyĭksän´drəvĭch fyĕdyēn´ [key], 1892–1977, Russian novelist. Fedin was interned in Germany during World War I and returned to Russia in 1918. His first novels,Cities and Years(1924) andThe Brothers(1928), concern the intellectual's problems in adjusting to Soviet society. Fedin traveled in Europe during the 1930s and based his novel欧洲的强奸(1934–35) on his observations. The three realistic novels of his postwar cycle—Early Joys(1945–46, tr. 1960),No Ordinary Summer(1948, tr. 1950), andThe Bonfire(1961)—are among his best work, and the first two were awarded Stalin Prizes. They describe life in a small Russian town in the early 20th cent. Fedin also wrote reminiscences of Gorky (1943–44).

See J. M. Blum,Konstantin Fedin(1967).

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