Platonov, Andrei

Platonov, Andrei ändrā´ plŏ´tənûf [key], 1899–1951, Russian novelist and short-story writer. Platonov's writing focuses on the threat industrialization poses to human and spiritual values. His denunciation of the Soviet bureaucracy led to severe rebuke by the Stalinist authorities and the suppression of his work, rediscovered in the post-Stalin thaw.

See the story collectionsMakar the Doubtful(1929; tr. 1979),The River Potudan(1937; tr. 1978), andSoul and Other Stories(tr. 2007); the novelsChevengur(1926–29; tr. 1978) andThe Foundation Pit(c.1930; tr. 1975, 2009); study by A. Teskey (1982).

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