Pogodin, Nikolai

Pogodin, Nikolai nyĭkəlī´ pəgô´dyĭn [key], pseud. ofNikolai Feodorovich Stukalov fyô´dərəvĭch sto͞okä´lôf [key], 1900–1962, Russian dramatist. Pogodin wrote many colorful, optimistic, and popular plays generally dealing with the theme of man's conquest of the machine. InTempo(1930, tr. 1936), a play concerning the Five-Year-Plan period, an American engineer helps speed up tractor production. InThe Aristocrats(1935, tr. 1937) Pogodin depicts the rehabilitation of criminals in a labor camp. All of his plays are noted for their hearty good humor and reverence for the common man.

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