Voznesensky, Andrei Andreyevich

Voznesensky, Andrei Andreyevich əndrā´ əndrā´əvĭch vəznyəsyān´skē [key], 1933–2010, Russian poet, b. Moscow. Voznesensky studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute and later became a close friend and protégé of BorisPasternak. After publishing his first poems in 1958, Voznesensky, whose works were considered extremely daring, became immensely popular. In the post-Stalin era he presented numerous public readings of his works, often filling stadiums with his admirers. In 1963 the government antimodernist campaign curtailed his writing. Gradually his poetry appeared again, but his dramatic work, though not political in content, had to be withdrawn (1970) and he was placed under close surveillance in 1971. His popularity declined afterglasnostchanged Russia's political climate in the 1980s. Voznesensky's poetry is marked by brilliant use of language with imaginative rhyme schemes and striking metaphors, fine craftsmanship, a wide range of subject matter, and a profound knowledge of the Russian poetic tradition.

See hisSelected Poems,ed. H. Marshall (1966);Antiworlds,ed. by P. Blake and M. Hayward (1967);Dogalypse: San Francisco Poetry Reading(1972);Little Woods(1972), andArrow in the Wall,患儿w·j·史密斯nd F. D. Reeve (1987).

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