Wierzyıski, Kazimierz

Wierzyıski, Kazimierz käzē´myĕsh vyĕzhĭ´nyəskē [key], 1894–1969, Polish poet and journalist. Wierzyıski was a cofounder with Julian Tuwim of the Skamander group of experimental poets. HisOlympic Laurel(1927)加以神化grace and fitness of athletes, and his other early poems also celebrate the joy of living. Later works are more serious and socially conscious.The Bitter Crop(1933) includes poems about the United States. HisForgotten Battlefield(tr. 1944) contains narratives of World War II.

See hisSelected Poems(tr. 1959). His biography of Chopin appeared in English in 1971.

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