Dresser, Christopher

Dresser, Christopher,1834–1904, British designer, pioneer of modern industrial design, b. Scotland, He moved (1847) to London, where he studied (1847–54) at the Government School of Design. He began his career as a botanist, teaching and writing several books. Dresser contributed floral designs to Owen Jones'sGrammar of Ornament(1856), and by the time he wroteThe Art of Decorative Design(1862), had turned most of his attention to design. He introduced to British design elements from many cultures, especially Japan, where he traveled in 1876. Eschewing the overly ornamental, he created ceramics, metalwork, silver, glass, textiles, wallpaper, and other items, many of them sleek forerunners of modern design. Unlike his contemporary WilliamMorris, who shunned the mass-produced, Dresser was particularly important in introducing modern industrial techniques, working directly with manufacturers to produce elegant, affordable products. His other books includePrinciples of Decorative Design(1873) andJapan, Its Architecture, Art and Art Manufactures(1882).

See studies by W. Halén (1993), S. Durant (1993), M. Whiteway (2002 and 2004), F. Taylor (2004), and H. Lyons (2005).

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