
乔尔乔内 jōrjo´ān [关键],公元1478 - 1510年,威尼斯画家,b. Castelfranco Veneto;他是提香在威尼斯的同学,在乔瓦尼·贝里尼手下。乔尔乔内也被称为Zorgo或Zorgi da Castelfranco和Giorgio Barbarelli。关于他的生平,除了他在威尼斯工作过,在油画和壁画方面接受过各种重要的委托,并在30岁出头死于瘟疫之外,几乎一无所知。传说中他有很大的个人魅力。作为一名重要的创新者,他对提香、波德诺内、塞巴斯蒂安·德尔·皮昂博和雅格布·帕尔马·维奇奥的一生都产生了深远的影响。因此,从某种意义上说,16世纪的威尼斯绘画都源于他。他的统治是如此的绝对,以至于不可能肯定地把他的作品和他的模仿者的作品分开。他的壁画几乎被抹掉了。他现存的油画作品从4幅到70幅不等。 But if Giorgione himself is an unknown quantity, his style is not. It was new to Venetian painting both in technique and in spirit. Technically it introduced a greater fusion of all forms and a subordination of local color to the pervading tone, used to emphasize forms in space. This revolution was accomplished simultaneously by Leonardo, but whereas Leonardo tended to suppress color in his opaque shadows, the colors of Giorgione were luminous and warm. The Giorgionesque style was liberating. The ostensible subject no longer limited the artist but became a pretext for self-expression. The specific works associated with Giorgione have the poetic quality of a bucolic dreamworld never recaptured by his famous followers. Among the best authenticated are麦当娜与SS,弗朗西斯和Liberale(大教堂,Castelfranco威尼托);三个哲学家(维也纳);还有那个莫名其妙的半裸女人带着孩子的故事发生在暴风骤雨中Tempesta(奥斯卡、威尼斯)。也很有名,如果更可疑音乐会Champetre(罗浮宫);劳拉(维也纳);朱迪思(圣彼得堡);《牧羊人的崇拜(国家胆。艺术学院,华盛顿特区);的音乐会(彼蒂宫);和所罗门的判断摩西的审判(乌菲兹)。他的田园金星睡觉(Gemäldegalerie, Dresden)是提香完成的。

参见T. Pignatti的《他的作品的完整版》(1971);里克特(1937)、巴尔达斯(1965)和皮尼亚蒂(1971)的研究。

