
钢笔,用于写作或绘图的指向工具申请墨水或者与任何表面相似的彩色液体,例如纸张。自古以来已经使用了各种钢笔。在末端裂缝或磨损的芦苇用于古代;类似的钢笔,通常由竹子制成,通常在亚洲雇用。在古希腊和罗马很多写作是通过用手写笔的蜡涂层来完成的,或者使用尖端的工具,其钝端用于通过平滑蜡来擦除擦除。Quills在中世纪提前引入,并继续成为19分中期的主要写作设备。从活鸟(通常是鹅)中,羽毛纤维被加热处理,用铅笔塑造,它们需要频繁锐化。虽然罗马人已知金属笔,但欧洲在18美分中曾在欧洲制造。,廉价,高效的衬衫,直到Josiah Mason改进现有型号,并开始大规模生产1828年在英格兰伯明翰。将墨水送到与水库的笔尖上的钢笔,首先在1980年代的商业规模上成功生产。 The ball-point pen, introduced c.1944, offered several advantages over the fountain pen. Tipped with a ball bearing that rolls a gelatinous instant-drying ink onto paper, the ball-point pen contains a longer-lasting supply of ink than the fountain pen and is less likely to leak. Although soft-tip pens had been used in ancient times (the Egyptians made soft-tip pens from rushes c.4000 BC, and the Chinese later used hair-tip pens), it was not until the 1950s that felt-tip markers came into fairly common use in the United States. By the 1960s felt-tip markers had been largely replaced by fiber-tip markers. These are made of such materials as nylon and plastic, are available in a wide variety of colors, and are capable of marking any surface, including plastic and glass.

