
马蝇,毛的几个家族的共同名称苍蝇它们的幼虫以寄生虫的形式生活在哺乳动物体内。马蝇会分泌一种刺激性物质,用来将其卵附着在马、骡或驴的体毛上。当动物舔掉刺激物后,幼虫就会进入宿主的口腔,然后迁移到胃里。它们附着在蛛丝上,在那里进食,直到蛹化,然后随粪便掉落到地上。这些幼虫可能会对动物的消化道造成严重损害,使动物虚弱,兽医可以消灭它们。羊蝇在宿主的鼻孔里产卵而不下马。幼虫爬进头部的空腔,引起眩晕,被称为盲目摇晃;因为烦躁而不吃东西可能会导致死亡。这个家族的旧大陆物种攻击骆驼、大象、马、骡子、驴和鹿。鸣蝇,又称后跟蝇,又称弹蝇,寄生于牛等动物。 The larvae, called cattle grubs or cattle maggots, penetrate the skin of the host immediately after hatching; they migrate through the flesh, causing irritability, loss of weight, and decreased milk production, and then settle under the skin of the back, producing cysts, or warbles. Breathing holes made in the warbles by the larvae damage the hide. A species of human botfly found in Central and South America attaches its eggs to a bloodsucking mosquito that it captures and then releases. When the mosquito comes in contact with humans or other warm-blooded animals, the fly eggs hatch and the larvae fasten to the mammal's skin. The larvae bore into muscle tissue; infestation is called myiasis. For control methods, see bulletins of the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. The botflies are classified in the phylum节肢动物门,昆虫纲,双翅目。马蝇属马蝇科;羊蝇和鸣蝇属于鸵鸟科;人肉蝇被归为毒蝇科。看到昆虫

