Bradley, Omar Nelson

Bradley, Omar Nelson,1893–1981, U.S. general, b. Clark, Mo. A graduate of West Point, he served in World War I and filled various army administrative and academic posts before assuming (1943) command of the 2d Corps in World War II. Superb at planning and organizing his forces, Bradley was active (1943) in the N African and Sicilian campaigns and led (1944) the U.S. 1st Army in the invasion of Normandy. Later he commanded the U.S. 12th Army Group in the battle for Germany. Bradley acted (1945–47) as administrator of veterans' affairs, was appointed (1948) chief of staff of the U.S. army, and served (1949–53) as first permanent chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. Promoted to general of the army in 1950, he retired in 1953 to become a business executive.

See hisSoldier's Story(1951) andCollected Writings(4 vol., 1967); J. W. Jordan,兄弟,竞争对手,胜利者:艾森豪威尔、巴顿、文胸dley, and the Partnership That Drove the Allied Conquest in Europe(2011).

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