
卡斯,刘易斯,1782-1866,美国政治家,湾Exeter, N.H. He established (1802) himself as a lawyer in Zanesville, Ohio, became a member (1806) of the state legislature, and was U.S. marshal for Ohio from 1807 to 1812. In the War of 1812, Cass's command was included against his will in the forces that Gen. William Hull surrendered to the British at Detroit in Aug., 1812. Cass later fought with distinction at the battle of the Thames (Oct. 5, 1813). Left in command at Detroit, Cass was also appointed governor of Michigan Territory, a post he filled ably for 18 years (1813–31). As Secretary of War (1831–36), he favored removal of the Native Americans beyond the Mississippi and supported President Jackson in the nullification crisis. Minister to France (1836–42) and U.S. Senator from Michigan (1845–48, 1849–57), Cass was the Democratic candidate for President in 1848, but because of the defection of the antislavery Democrats led by Martin范伯伦,谁成为了候选人自由土壤党,他失去了哈格拉泰勒的辉格候选人的选举。布坎南总统(1857年)陈克斯秘书,但他于1860年12月辞职,抗议决定不加强查尔斯顿的堡垒,S.C.

