
多尔,托马斯·威尔逊,1805-54年,罗德岛(普罗维登斯)多尔叛乱的领袖(1842年)。在纽约跟随肯特校长学习法律后,他在普罗维登斯执业。虽然他出生在一个富裕的辉格党家庭,但他成为了争取男性普选权的民众运动的领袖。罗德岛仍然按照1663年的殖民宪章进行管理,将投票权限制在拥有134美元土地的男性。因此,大多数随着工业的发展而急剧增加的城镇居民被剥夺了公民权。由于执政的保守派对改革的呼声充耳不闻,多尔的政党召开了制宪会议(1841年10月)。立法机关召开了一个敌对的会议,起草了一部被称为自由人宪法的新宪法,对民主要求做出了一些让步。在一次州全民公决中,它被反对的多利特家族击败。他们自己的大会起草了《人民宪法》,很快在另一次全民公决中以压倒多数获得通过。公约和公民投票都是法外的,但多雷特人声称,他们的宪法在公民投票中得到了根据旧宪章有权投票的大多数人的批准。 Early in 1842 both Dorr's followers and the charter government forces elected and organized governments, Dorr heading one and Samuel H. King the other. The federal government declined to interfere. In May, Dorr resorted to a show of arms. After an abortive assault on the Providence armory, his government collapsed and he fled the state. King declared martial law, many Dorrites were arrested, and the leader himself was indicted for high treason. Minor armed clashes and demonstrations caused much excitement. The conservatives, finally convinced of the strength of Dorr's cause, called yet another convention. A new constitution, greatly liberalizing voting requirements, was accepted by both parties. On its approval by the people in 1843, Dorr returned, was found guilty, and sentenced (1844) to solitary confinement at hard labor for life. The harshness of the sentence was widely condemned, and in 1845 Dorr, broken in health, was released. He was restored to his civil rights in 1851, and in 1854 the court judgment against him was set aside.

看到d·王,托马斯·威尔逊·多尔的生平与时代(1859年,repr。1969);a . m . Mowry多尔战争(1901年,repr。1968);小a.m.施莱辛格,杰克逊的时代(1945);m . e . Gettleman多尔叛乱(1973);e . j . Chaput人民烈士(2013)。

