
Hemings,莎莉,1773-1835年,非裔美国奴隶被托马斯拥有杰佛逊弗吉尼亚州查尔斯城公司(Charles City co.);她原本的名字可能是萨拉。她的父亲是约翰·韦尔斯,杰斐逊的岳父;她母亲韦尔斯的奴隶伊丽莎白·海明斯海明斯一家成了蒙蒂塞洛的家庭奴隶,莎莉在那里给杰斐逊的女儿玛丽亚当女佣。1782年,杰斐逊的妻子去世了;1784年,杰斐逊作为美国大使前往法国。三年后,他派人去请玛丽亚,由海明斯陪同。据说,正是在他们住在那里的时候,他与赫明斯开始了亲密的关系。杰斐逊于1789年回到蒙蒂塞洛,在那里,海明斯继续做着家仆和侍女的工作。 In 1795 she gave birth to her first child by Jefferson; their surviving three sons and daughter were born between 1798 and 1808. Little is known of her adult life, but she may have spent her last years with her freed sons Madison and Eston in Charlottesville, Va. Her name was first linked with Jefferson's in an 1802 Richmond, Va., newspaper, and rumors circulated through the years until DNA studies in 1998 proved a link among other descendents of Jefferson and those by Hemings. Some admirers of Jefferson hold that his younger brother, Randolph, is the more likely father of Hemings's descendants.

参见A. Gordon-Reed,托马斯·杰斐逊和莎莉·海明斯(1998)和蒙蒂塞洛的海明夫妇(2008);J. E.泰勒和P. S.奥努夫主编,莎莉·赫明斯和托马斯·杰斐逊(1999)。

