
Laffite,珍 詹lafēt´[关键c.1780 - 1826 ?他是一群私掠船和走私者的首领。这个名字通常拼作拉菲特。1810年,他和他的手下开始在新奥尔良南部的巴拉塔利亚海岸作战,1817年之后,从现在的加尔维斯顿市的岛上开始作战。他的船只,受几个拉丁美洲国家的委托,反抗西班牙,掠夺西班牙的商业。这些战利品(包括奴隶)从巴拉塔里亚湾经小湾运到新奥尔良,在那里主要由他同父异母的兄弟皮埃尔·拉菲特(Pierre Laffite)代理处理。1814年9月,一支美国海军突袭了他们在巴拉塔里亚的基地和他们的船只。几天前,拉菲还拒绝了英国人提供的金钱、土地和皇家海军的委任,以诱使他们帮助英国人进攻新奥尔良。相反,拉菲把他的情报交给了美国人,并愿意为他们服务,以换取他手下的宽恕。安德鲁·杰克逊将军接受了他们的帮助,许多巴拉塔人在新奥尔良战役中都有功劳,后来被麦迪逊总统赦免。 Laffite returned to his old life, moving his base of operations to the disputed Texas area, where he gathered about him almost a thousand followers. He was unmolested until several members of his colony attacked (1820) American property, whereupon the U.S. government again dispatched a naval force against him. Laffite with his closest followers departed (1821) peaceably. His final end is not certainly known; fragmentary evidence suggests that he died in Mexico in 1826. In his lifetime he was regarded as a romantic figure, and after his death legend heightened his fame.

参见J. H. Ingraham(1836年,代表)的传记。1970)、L.撒克逊(1930)和M. V.查恩利(1934);w·c·戴维斯海盗Laffite(2005)。

