
Delian联盟 l dē´ēn[ə关键雅典统治下的希腊城邦联盟。这个名字用来指代两个不同的联盟时期,前478-404年和前378-338年。第一次联盟是雅典和一些伊奥尼亚国家(主要是海上国家)为了对波斯发动战争而结成的。在政治中立的迪洛斯岛阿波罗神庙建立的议会中,所有成员都有平等的投票权。向成员国征收的会费最初是由雅典决定的,而分摊的公平性在很大程度上有助于维持最初的热情。各国向联盟提供资金、军队和船只。在波斯在欧利米登(公元前468年)遭受决定性的失败后,许多成员支持解散联盟。然而,从联盟中获利颇丰的雅典认为,来自波斯的危险还没有结束。当纳克索斯试图脱离雅典时,雅典从议会中夺取领导权,强迫(约470年)(公元前)纳克索斯人保持忠诚。很快,萨索斯也尝试了同样的策略,同样被雅典将军西门(公元前463年)制服。 The Athenians were so successful in their aims, using both force and persuasion, that by 454 BC the league had grown to c.140 members. An invasion by the league's enemies, Sparta and its supporters, was averted in 457 BC, and Thebes, the traditional enemy of Athens, was subjected (456 BC). In 454 BC, because of the real or pretended danger of Persian attack, the treasury was transported from Delos to the Athenian Acropolis. The league had in effect become an Athenian empire. However, its unity was not very stable, and in 446 BC Athens lost Boeotia. Gradually Athens lost its prestige as well as many of its alliances, and, with the Peloponnesian War (404 BC), the league came to an end. In 394 BC, Conon reestablished the Athenian mastery of the sea at Cnidus. Proffers of alliance reached Athens, and in 378 BC the second Athenian confederacy was formed. Two years later Athens won a naval victory over Sparta near Naxos; the Athenians and Spartans compromised with a treaty that left Athens supreme on the sea and Sparta supreme on the mainland of Greece. In 371 BC, Thebes withdrew from the alliance and gained predominance over Boeotian land that had been occupied (387 BC) by Sparta. A treaty was made between Athens and Sparta. By 351 BC, however, the status of the league had been seriously weakened in the north and in the east, and in 338 BC the league was utterly destroyed by the victory of Philip II of Macedon in the battle ofChaeronea

