
新经济政策(NEP), 1921年至1928年苏联的官方经济重建计划。它取代了中国的经济政策战时共产主义(1918-21),是由列宁在内战期间。战时共产主义包括强制征用粮食,所有贸易和工业国有化,严格控制劳动力,实物支付,没收金融资本。由于这个计划和战争的破坏,工业和农业生产急剧下降,人民遭受严重的贫困。在克隆施塔特海军基地的一场暴动中爆发了普遍的动乱。在这个时候(1921年3月),列宁推出了新经济政策以重振经济。新计划标志着有限资本主义制度的回归。强制征用粮食被特定的物种税所取代;农民可以保留多余的农产品并出售获利。小型企业被允许作为私营企业经营。大型工业仍处于国家控制之下。 They operated on the open market, but the state controlled the fixing of prices and the appointment of boards of directors. Private trade and wages were restored, and compulsory labor service was abolished. By 1928, the NEP had raised the Soviet national income above its prewar level. However, the NEP policies proved inadequate for the expansionist aims of Stalin and were reversed (1928) by the first五年计划

