Sforza, Carlo, Conte

Sforza, Carlo, Conte kär´lō kōn´tā sfôr´tsä [key], 1872–1952, Italian foreign minister. He held high ministerial and diplomatic posts, became a senator, and as foreign minister (1920–21) negotiated the Treaty of Rapallo with Yugoslavia. Sforza opposed Mussolini and resigned as ambassador to Paris in 1922. He went (1927) into voluntary exile and in 1940 went to the United States, where he became a prominent Italian anti-Fascist and antimonarchist leader. In 1943, Sforza returned to Italy and played a major political role. As foreign minister (1947–51) he supported the European Recovery Program and the settlement of theTriestequestion. His many writings includeFifty Years of War and Diplomacy in the Balkans(1940).

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