
Strozzi strôt´tsē [key], noble Florentine family. It grew rich through commerce and took an active part in the government of the city after the 13th cent. Later the Strozzi strongly opposed the Medici rule of Florence. Among the Strozzi, there were several eminent soldiers, scholars, and men of letters. At an early date the family divided into several branches. Palla Strozzi,c.1373–1462, a politician and ardent humanist, furthered Greek studies in Florence and Padua. Filippo Strozzi,1428–91, was banished by the Medici, gained wealth and influence in Naples, and after his return to Florence began to build the celebrated Strozzi Palace. His son Filippo Strozzi,1489–1538, married a granddaughter of Lorenzo de' Medici; he was first friendly to the Medici, then became a staunch opponent. He led Florentine exiles against Cosimo I de' Medici, was captured, and died in prison. His son Leone Strozzi,1515–54, first entered the Order of Malta and later became an admiral in the French service. He distinguished himself in wars against Spain and England. Another son of Filippo, Piero Strozzi,d. 1558, a violent enemy of the Medici, fought for the French in the Italian Wars and was made a marshal of France. He took part in the French siege of Calais (1557). Filippo Strozzi,1541 - 82,也在法国的年代ervice. He was captured and killed by the Spanish in a naval battle off the Azores.

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