Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of

Cateau-Cambrésis, Treaty of kätō´-käNbrāzē´, 1559, concluded at Le Cateau, France, by representatives ofHenry IIof France,Philip IIof Spain, andElizabeth Iof England. It put an end to the 60-year conflict between France and Spain, begun with theItalian Wars, in whichHenry VIIIand laterMary Iof England had intermittently sided against France. The terms were a triumph for Spain. France restored Savoy, except Saluzzo, to DukeEmmanuel Philibert, acknowledged Spanish hegemony over Italy, and consented to a rectification of its border with the Spanish Netherlands.加来, however, was confirmed in French possession by England. Henry II's sister, Margaret, was given in marriage to Emmanuel Philibert of Savoy; Henry's daughter, Elizabeth of Valois, was given to Philip II of Spain.

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