
皮肤,包住脊椎动物身体的柔软组织(皮肤)。在人类和其他哺乳动物中,皮肤运作着一个由许多结构组成的复杂器官(有时被称为表皮系统),起着至关重要的保护和代谢功能。它包含两层主要的细胞:一层薄薄的外层,即表皮,一层较厚的内层,即真皮层。在表皮的内表面,年轻的细胞不断繁殖,将老的细胞向外推。在外层,老的细胞变平并重叠,形成坚硬的膜,并逐渐脱落,形成老茧或死皮。头发(毛)羽毛,尺度是表皮的进化适应虽然表皮没有血管,但它的深层含有黑色素,这是皮肤颜色的一种色素。下面的真皮由结缔组织组成,其中嵌入了血管、淋巴通道、神经末梢、汗腺、皮脂腺、脂肪细胞、毛囊和肌肉。神经末梢被称为感受器,执行重要的感觉功能。它们对各种刺激有反应,包括接触、热和冷。对寒冷的反应会激活勃起肌肉,使毛发竖立起来;恐惧也会引起这种反应。从真皮层的外表面延伸出许多突出物(乳头),它们与表皮内表面的凹坑相吻合,从而使两层皮肤牢牢地锁在一起。对于人类来说,手指上的螺旋表明了表皮位于一排排乳头之间的位置,从而形成了用于指纹识别的图案。皮肤提供了抵御外部生物入侵的屏障,保护底层组织和器官免受磨损和其他伤害,它的色素保护身体免受阳光中危险的紫外线的伤害。它还能防水,防止身体水分的过度流失或增加。人体皮肤有几个功能可以帮助保持正常的体温:大量的汗腺排出废物和含盐的水分,在某些情况下,水分的蒸发可以使身体降温90%; its fat cells act as insulation against cold; and when the body overheats, the skin's extensive small blood vessels carry warm blood near the surface where it is cooled. The skin is lubricated by its own oil glands, which keep both the outside layer of the epidermis and the hair from drying to brittleness. Human skin has remarkable self-healing properties, particularly when only the epidermis is damaged. Even when the injury damages the dermis, healing may still be complete if the wounded area occurs in a part of the body with a rich blood supply. Deeper wounds, penetrating to the underlying tissue, heal by scar formation. Scar tissue lacks the infection-resisting and metabolic functions of healthy skin; hence, sufficiently extensive skin loss by widespread burns or wounds may cause death.

