
性肾炎 nəfrī´təs [关键肾炎。最早发现于肾毛细血管(肾小球)内;间质水肿通常伴随着淋巴细胞、浆细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和少量多形核白细胞的间质浸润。这种疾病被认为是免疫性的,但免疫球蛋白和药物抗原只在少数病例中被发现。当病因被发现并清除后,这种损害通常是可逆的,但严重的病例会发展为纤维化和肾衰竭。这种疾病有几种表现形式。肾盂肾炎通常与膀胱或血液传播的细菌感染有关;它影响肾盂,用抗生素治疗。肾小球肾炎,或称布莱特氏病,会引起肾小球的退行性改变,据信是对身体其他部位感染的过敏反应。症状包括头痛、轻度发烧、眼睛和面部浮肿、高血压和尿液变色。 Treatment includes bed rest and limiting the intake of water, sodium, and proteins, and, if necessary, dialysis; antibiotics are given to halt infections (e.g., streptococcal) invasion. The disease occurs more frequently among the young. About 95% of patients recover from the acute phase of the disease; however, if glomerulonephritis becomes chronic, renal damage results after many years, causing kidney failure.

