
人工呼吸,当一个人的自然呼吸不足或停止时,如呼吸瘫痪、溺水、电击、窒息、吸入气体或烟雾或中毒,导致空气进出肺部的任何措施。呼吸可以由人工肺(特别是在呼吸性瘫痪的情况下)、马达或任何其他类型的机械呼吸器来代替使复活).然而,在紧急情况下,如果没有专业人员的帮助,救援人员会采用口对口或口对鼻的人工呼吸方法。首先,用手将任何异物从口中扫出。患者被置于仰卧位,头部向后倾斜,下巴向上,这样舌头就不会堵住喉咙。然后将复苏者的嘴紧紧地盖住受害者的嘴或鼻子,同时紧闭受害者的鼻孔或嘴。对于小孩子或婴儿,复苏者将他的嘴紧紧地放在嘴和鼻子上。复苏者深吸一口气,向受害者的嘴、鼻子或两者都吹气。如果没有空气交换,回收者检查头部的位置。如果仍然没有交换,应该将患者侧翻,在肩胛骨之间拍打,以清除任何可能阻塞气道的异物。可以抓住孩子的脚踝,在肩胛骨之间轻拍。 The reviver stops blowing when the chest expands, turns his head away, and listens for exhalation. If the victim is an adult, blowing should be vigorous, at the rate of about 12 breaths per minute. A child's breaths should be shallower, about 20 per minute, and an infant's breaths should come in short puffs. When victims vomit, they must be turned on their side and the airway cleaned before continuing artificial respiration. If the victim has had the larynx removed, the above method is used, but the reviver must breathe into the stoma (surgical opening made in front of neck for breathing). Breathing into the subject should be continued until natural breathing resumes or until professional help arrives. Since the heart often stops beating when breathing is interrupted,心肺复苏术(CPR)通常是同时实施的。这需要以每分钟60次或更多的推力压迫心脏上方的胸部,每15次推力后进行两次呼吸。看到急救

