
雷诺兹,约书亚爵士,1723-92,英国肖像画家,德文郡人。长期以来,他被认为是历史上最重要的英国画家,通过他的学习榜样,他在英国提高了艺术家的地位。雷诺兹在伦敦学习绘画,1742年开始在德文郡做肖像画家。1749年,他的朋友凯佩尔准将带他去了意大利,他得以学习意大利大师的作品。经过三年的学习和旅行,雷诺兹回到伦敦,风靡伦敦。雷诺兹野心勃勃,他利用自己的智慧、魅力和艺术才华来提升自己,不到一年,他就被肖像画委托所包围,并聘请了助手。他拥有一个画廊,不仅收藏自己的作品,还收藏他买卖的古代大师的作品。他接待了世界上的财富和时尚,以及当时伟大的文学人物。当皇家学院于1768年成立时,雷诺兹不可避免地当选为院长,并于次年被封为爵士。他每年在学院前的演讲具有文学上的特色,是对学术风格的重要阐述,提出了折衷的概括而不是直接观察,以及对古典过去的典故而不是现在。 The Grand Style, thus proclaimed, was of enormous influence in the development of English portraiture. At 59, Reynolds had a paralytic stroke but recovered sufficiently to continue his work for several years. Before he lost his sight (1789), his style had become warmer and less formal, having been influenced by Rubens. Reynolds painted more than 2,000 portraits and historical paintings, depicting almost every notable person of his time. He often used experimental painting methods, which resulted in works now poorly preserved. His portraits of Commodore Keppel, Dr. Johnson, Lady Caroline Howard, Mrs. Siddons, Sterne, Goldsmith, Garrick, Gibbon, and Edmund Burke are among the many fine examples that are of historical interest. Reynolds's works are in nearly every major museum in the western world. He is best represented in the National Gallery, London, but examples of his work are to be seen in the Metropolitan Museum of Art; the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; the Cleveland Museum of Art; and the Art Institute of Chicago.

见他的信件(由F. W. Hilles编,1929年)和他的艺术话语(R. Wark编著,1959年版。1965);沃特豪斯(E. Waterhouse, 1941年和1973年)的研究。

