
Assurbanipal 奥尔巴˝所以͝´nēpal (关键亚述巴尼帕 ´商店͝或- [关键公元626年?公元前669-633年,古亚述国王Esar-Haddon.他是亚述最后一个伟大的国王Taharka从埃及地出来,立定根基转去尼哥的儿子在那里掌权Psamtik公元前660年的起义,从亚述手中永久夺取了埃及。起义发生在亚述巴尼拔对埃兰人和迦勒底人的战役中。他的兄弟,在巴比伦指挥,也领导了一场严重的叛乱,由国王的敌人。这次叛乱被镇压了,虽然不是没有困难,作为报复,亚述巴尼拔占领了巴比伦并屠杀了许多居民(公元前648年)。然后他打败了以拦,洗劫了书珊;埃兰人的力量消失了。在亚述巴尼拔的统治下,亚述达到了奢华生活的高度。尼尼微皇宫中著名的猎狮浮雕可以追溯到他的统治时期,是古代雕塑中最好的例子之一。Assurbanipal对学习很感兴趣;尼尼微的发掘工作已经从他的图书馆中发现了22000块泥板——这是古代美索不达米亚知识的主要来源。 Among the tablets were found copies of the Babylonian flood and creation stories as well as historical and scientific literature. His reign ended the greatness of the empire (although two of his sons ruled briefly after his death), and Assyria succumbed to the Medes and the Persians only a few years later. His great expenditures in wars to preserve the state contributed somewhat to its collapse. Assurbanipal is probably the Asnappar or Osnapper of Ezra 4.10. He is identified with, but only faintly resembles, theSardanapalus希腊人。

