Iturrigaray, José de

Iturrigaray, José de hōsā´ ᵺā ēto͞o´rēgärä´ē [key], 1742–1815, Spanish colonial administrator, viceroy of New Spain (1803–8). During his rule, all of Spanish America was disturbed by the Napoleonic invasion of Spain and the abdication of Ferdinand VII. A quasi-separatist movement arose among the creoles of Mexico, and Iturrigaray lent his ear to their schemes. The Spanish-born officials of the viceroyalty resisted the liberal creoles and, suspecting Iturrigaray, deposed him (Sept. 15, 1808), confiscated his fortune, and shipped him to Spain. The separatist spirit of the creoles burst forth two years later in the uprising of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla.

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