Sloat, John Drake

Sloat, John Drake,1781–1867, American naval officer, b. near Goshen, N.Y. He entered the navy as a midshipman in 1800 and resigned after a year's service, but reentered for service in the War of 1812. He was aboard theUnited Stateswhen theMacedonianwas captured. After the war he served against the pirates in the West Indies. He was commander of the Pacific squadron from 1844 to 1846, and in July, 1846, soon after war was declared against Mexico, he occupied Monterey, Calif., on the grounds that the British were about to do so. He also took San Francisco and held it until relieved by Robert F.Stockton. He retired in 1855, but was promoted to commodore (1862) and rear admiral (1866) on the retired list.

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