Cassian, John

Cassian, Johnkăshˈən[key](Johannes Cassianus), 360–435, an Eastern Christian monk and theologian who brought Eastern spirituality to the West. Cassian toured the ascetic monastic settlements of Egypt before he was driven from the East during the controversy over the theology ofOrigen。他定居在马赛(415),建立了religious houses for men and for women. He was attacked for Semi-Pelagianism (seePelagianism), but he was trusted in Rome. His Conferences,a record of his earlier experiences with famous abbots and ascetics in Egypt, and his Institutes,a treatise on monasticism, had a critical influence on Western monasticism, especially in matters of ascetic and mystical life. He wrote against Nestorianism.

See study by O. Chadwick (2d ed. 1968).

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