Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean

Duvergier de Hauranne, Jean zhäN düvĕrzhyā´ də ōrän´ [key], 1581–1643, French theologian. He is often called the Abbé de Saint-Cyran from an abbacy he heldin commendam(i.e., received the revenues from but did not actually administer). A personal friend of CornelisJansen, he collaborated with him and was one of the molders of Jansenism. He was also a close friend of theArnauldfamily, and he was largely responsible for the conversion of皇家港口into the stronghold of Jansenism. He was the first of the Jansenist controversialists against the Jesuits, and because of his views he antagonized Cardinal Richelieu, who had him imprisoned in 1638. He was released on the cardinal's death in 1642.

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