Zumárraga, Juan de

Zumárraga, Juan de hwän dā tho͞omä´rägä [key], 1468–1548, Spanish churchman, first bishop of Mexico, a Franciscan. Going to Mexico in 1528, he became prominent in governmental affairs and opposed Nuño deGuzmánand theaudiencia. He was officially made protector of the indigenous peoples and exerted strenuous efforts to convert them and to end human sacrifice. In his zeal to bring Spanish civilization to them, however, he destroyed valuable native manuscripts and remains. He was important in founding the college of Santa Cruz de Tlaltelolco for the education of the indigenous people. A close friend and assistant of Viceroy Antonio deMendoza, he helped to improve conditions in New Spain. Zumárraga was instrumental in bringing the first printing press to the New World and wrote religious manuals that were among the early products of the press.

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