
戈壁 gō´bē[关键,普通话银泰沙漠,中亚北部的大石漠化,约50万平方英里(129.5万平方公里),从大兴安岭(大兴安岭)山脉到天山,从东到西跨越蒙古东南部和中国北部,延伸约1000英里(1610公里);世界上最大的沙漠之一。戈壁位于海拔3000到5000英尺(910 - 1520米)的高原上,由一系列浅层碱性盆地组成;沙漠的西部完全是沙质的。克鲁伦河是戈壁最大的永久河流;断断续续的溪流流入小盐湖或消失在沙里。该地区几乎所有的土壤都被盛行的西北风吹走,沉积在华北地区,形成黄土;凶猛的沙尘和暴风随处可见。戈壁地区冬季寒冷,夏季短暂炎热。降水是以广泛间隔的云团形式出现的。 The Gobi's grassy fringe supports a small population of nomadic Mongolian tribes engaged in sheepherding and goatherding. The Gobi is crossed by a highway and by the Trans-Mongolian RR, which links Ulaanbaatar with Jining, China. The railway shortens the Moscow-Beijing run by c.700 mi (1,130 km). Coal is mined at Tawan-Tolgoi, Mongolia; oil fields are located at Saynshand, Mongolia, and Yumen, China; and there are copper and other mineral deposits. Many paleontological finds, including early mammal and dinosaur fossils, have been made in the Gobi. Prehistoric stone implements, some c.100,000 years old, have also been excavated.

