
汉自治地方 khŭntē´- mŭnsē´[关键,行政部门(1995流行。1,326,200), 201,969平方英里(523,100平方公里),俄罗斯西伯利亚西部。汉特-曼西斯克是首都。该地区主要是森林和沼泽,有许多湖泊和泥炭沼泽,额尔齐斯河下游和鄂毕河排水,这也是重要的交通要道。自1970年以来,人口急剧增长,这主要是由于天然气开采的扩大;人口最集中的地区是鄂毕和额尔齐斯谷。伐木业、渔业、皮毛养殖和贸易以及驯鹿养殖是该地区的主要职业。南方种植一些谷物和蔬菜,并进行鱼类加工。石油和天然气生产越来越重要,特别是在贝雷佐沃、苏尔古特和Nizhnevartovsk,那里已经开发了大型天然气田。该地区距离市场太远,阻碍了伐木业的发展。 Russians comprise two thirds of the area's population, and there are small minorities of Khanty (Ostyaks) and Mansi (Voguls), both of whom belong to the Finno-Ugric linguistic family. Some Komi and Nenets also inhabit the region. The Khanty, who were under the control of the Siberian Tatars, opposed Russian conquest and rule from the 16th through the 18th cent. The Mansi have been in the area since the 11th cent.; they, too, resisted Muscovite domination. The area, formed in 1930, was known until 1940 as the Ostyak-Vogul National Area. In 1977 it was made an autonomous area.

