
基辅或者Kyiv. Kē'ĕf,-ĕv[钥匙],乌克兰语kyyiv,rus。基耶夫,城市(1990年EST。波普。2,600,000)和4,600,000个地区的市政(州),乌克兰首都和基辅地区,Dnipper River的港口。基辅最大的乌克兰市是一个领先的工业,商业和文化中心。食品加工(特别是甜菜糖加工),冶金,以及机械,机床,轧制库存,化学品,建筑材料和纺织品的制造就是主要产业。俄罗斯人叫做城市母亲,基辅是N欧洲最古老的城镇之一。它可能像5美分一样作为商业中心存在。斯堪的纳维亚与君士坦丁堡之间的盛大贸易路线的斯拉夫解决,基辅是Khazars的支流瓦兰杰斯在Oleg下,在882年建立了自己。根据Oleg的继任者,它成为中世纪基辅罗斯(第一个俄国国家)的首都,是欧洲领先的文化和商业中心。它也是俄罗斯基督教的早期席位。这座城市在11美分中达到了近期。,但到了12分后期。它已经开始拒绝。从1240开始,当它被蒙古人摧毁,直到14分。,这座城市向金骨老致敬。然后基辅根据立陶宛的控制而传递,在1569年与波兰共同。随着基辅学院的1632年,该市成为乌克兰学习和奖学金的中心。1648年,当Bohdan Chmielnicki下的乌克兰哥萨克队反对波兰时,基辅成为一段短暂的乌克兰国家中心。然而,在1654年乌克兰与俄罗斯的联盟之后,该市被莫斯科收购了(1686年)。1918年1月,基辅成为新宣称乌克兰共和国的首都; but in the ensuing civil war (1918–20), it was occupied in succession by German, White Russian, Polish, and Soviet troops. In 1934 the capital of the Ukrainian SSR was transferred from Kharkiv to Kiev. German forces held the city during World War II and massacred thousands of its inhabitants, including 50,000 Jews. Postwar reconstruction of the heavily damaged city was not completed until c.1960. Lying amid hills along the Dnieper and filled with gardens and parks, Kiev is one of Europe's most beautiful cities, as well as a treasury of medieval art and architecture. Its most outstanding buildings include the Tithes Church, the ruins of the Golden Gate (11th cent.), and the 11th-century Cathedral of St. Sophia, which was modeled on Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and contains splendid mosaics, frescoes, and icons. The Uspensky Cathedral, virtually destroyed during World War II, has been fully restored. The celebrated Lavra cave monastery (11th cent.) is now a museum and a sacred place of pilgrimage. The St. Vladimir Cathedral (9th cent.) is famed for its murals. Among the city's educational and cultural institutions are the Univ. of Kiev (1833) and the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (1918).

