
Sovetsk 年代əvĕ啧啧´[关键,以前提尔 tĭl´zĭt [关键(1989年流行音乐。41900),欧洲西北部的俄罗斯,在提尔斯河口的尼曼河上。它是铁路枢纽、河港和农业区的工业和商业中心。木材和木工是主要产业;其他包括机器、棉布和Tilsit奶酪的生产。1288年,日耳曼骑士建造了一座城堡,并于1552年获得特许。拿破仑一世在弗里德兰战役中获胜,于1807年6月25日在蒂尔西特附近的涅曼河上的木筏上与俄国皇帝亚历山大一世相遇。他们的谈判,以及后来普鲁士国王弗雷德里克·威廉三世(俄国的盟友)的加入,导致了1807年7月7日和7月9日蒂尔西特条约的签订。根据第一个条约,法国与俄国讲和,俄国承认华沙大公国,并秘密承诺在法国和英国之间进行调解;如果英国拒绝调解,俄国就会与法国结盟。 At the same time, France gave Russia a free hand with regard to Finland, then a Swedish possession. The Russo-French alliance proved tenuous and collapsed altogether in 1812. In the second treaty, Napoleon drastically reduced Prussia, which lost all its territory west of the Elbe to France and most of its Polish provinces to the grand duchy of Warsaw. Danzig became a free city, the Prussian army was reduced to 42,000 men, several leading Prussian fortresses were to be garrisoned by French troops, and Prussia was to join in the Continental System against England. Prussia was thus reduced to virtual vassalage to France, from which it freed itself only in 1813. Tilsit was occupied by Soviet forces in World War II and was transferred, along with other sections of East Prussia, to the USSR at the Potsdam Conference of 1945.

