South, the:


See works by C. Eaton, H. W. Odum, and U. B. Phillips; W. H. Stephenson and E. M. Coulter, ed.,A History of the South(10 vol., 1947–73); F. B. Simkins and C. P. Roland,A History of the South(4th ed. 1972); C. V. Woodward,Origins of the New South(1971) andThe Strange Career of Jim Crow(3d rev. ed. 1974); D. R. Goldfield,Cotton Fields and Skyscrapers(1982); B. Wyatt-Brown,Southern Honor: Ethics and Behavior in the Old South(1982); E. and M. Black,Politics and Society in the South(1987); C. R. Wilson and W. Ferris, ed.,The Encyclopedia of Southern Culture(1989); D. R. Goldfield,The South for New Southerners(1991).

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