
卡温顿 kŭv´ĭngtən [关键,城市(1990流行。43,264),肯塔基州中北部肯顿公司所在地。在俄亥俄河和利克河的交汇处;公司1815年。它是一个工业中心,由横跨俄亥俄州的辛辛那提和横跨利克河的纽波特的桥梁连接。它的工厂生产金属、纸张和塑料产品;汽车零部件;金属板;木材;加工食品; and machinery. A ferry and a tavern were established there c.1801, and the city was first settled in 1812. Among its points of interest are the suspension bridge to Cincinnati (designed by J. A. Roebling); Devou Park, with a museum of natural history; Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption; the tiny Monte Casino chapel; the Garden of Hope; and the Carneal House (1815). FrankDuveneck他出生在科温顿,这座城市有一个专门收藏他画作的博物馆。艺术家兼博物学家丹尼尔·卡特胡子也出生(并生活)在科温顿。托马斯莫尔学院位于附近的Crestview Hills。辛辛那提大机场也在该地区。

