
Greenwood. 1City (1990 pop. 26,265), Johnson co., central Ind.; settled 1822, inc. as a city 1960. A residential suburb of Indianapolis, Greenwood is in a retail shopping area. Manufactures include motor vehicle parts and metal products.

2City (1990 pop. 18,906), seat of Leflore co., W central Miss., on the Yazoo River in the Mississippi Delta; inc. 1844. It is a retail and trade center for a productive farm region, with a major cotton market. Musical instruments, apparel, motor vehicle parts, agricultural equipment, and kitchen stoves are manufactured. The area's original inhabitants were the Choctaws; the city and county derive their names from a Choctaw chief and cotton planter, Greenwood Leflore. After the area was ceded to the United States in 1830 by the Treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, settlers poured in, carving vast cotton plantations out of the delta swamplands. The city has a cotton museum, and several Native American burial grounds are nearby.

3City (1990 pop. 20,807), seat of Greenwood co., W S.C.; settled 1824, inc. as a city 1927. It is a rail center, with textile, wood-product, and meatpacking industries. A trading post was established there in 1751, and a Revolutionary War battle was fought at nearby Old Star Fort in 1775. The first railroad came in 1852; by 1911 five lines were operating through the city. Lander Univ. and Piedmont Technical College are in the city. Greenwood State Park is nearby.

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