
黑泽尔顿 hā´zəltən [关键,城市(1990流行。24730), Luzerne co., E Pa。在无烟煤区的山顶上;1856年作为行政区成立,1892年作为城市成立。制造业包括服装;食物;沥青;以及金属、玻璃纤维和塑料制品。这座城市也是一个配送中心。黑兹尔顿于1809年定居。 Its name derives from the hazel bushes that grew in the swamp called Haselschwamm by the early German settlers. The settlement increased in size and development after coal was discovered nearby in 1826. Coal production reached its peak during the two World Wars and then declined. A campus of Pennsylvania State Univ. is there.

