
奥林匹亚城市(1990年流行。33,840),州首府,华盛顿州瑟斯顿公司所在地。位于普吉特湾南端的巴德湾;公司1859年。它是一个入境口岸,运输木材产品和农产品。那里有牡蛎养殖场和罐头工厂,还有印刷和出版。制造商包括炸药;消费品;体育器材;塑料、金属和纸制品;单板; furniture; cheese; steel; aircraft engines; and porcelain enamel. Settled in 1846, it was made capital of the newly created Washington Territory in 1853. Of interest are a state historical museum, the state library, the old capitol building (1893), and the newer, imposing group of white sandstone capitol buildings. A local attraction is the annual salmon run from Budd Inlet into Capitol Lake. St. Martin's College and Evergreen State College are in Olympia, and a Native American reservation and state parks are nearby. The奥运Mts。可以看到北面,和雷尼尔山去东北。2001年,一场震中位于该市以北12英里(19公里)处的地震震裂了国会大厦的圆顶,并造成其他财产损失。

