
圣彼得堡,城市(1990年流行。238,629),皮内拉斯公司,西佛罗里达州。位于坦帕湾和皮内拉斯半岛南端的墨西哥湾;定居于19世纪中期,1892年。它是一个拥有大港口的港口,是该州最受欢迎的冬季度假胜地和全年居住社区之一。它也是佛罗里达州最大的退休中心之一。由于每年平均有360天的晴天,圣彼得堡被称为“阳光之城”。制造业包括船只、拖车和露营车、空调和电子设备。该市还有柑橘水果和商业渔业。名胜古迹包括游艇码头、市政码头、历史和美术博物馆以及滨水中心; the Sunken Gardens; and the Florida International and Salvador Dalí museums. Eckerd College, St. Petersburg College, the Stetson Univ. College of Law, and a campus of the Univ. of South Florida are there, as well as an international airport and a U.S. Coast Guard base. Bridges cross the bay to Tampa and the Sunshine Skyway links the peninsula with the mainland near Bradenton. The chain of narrow islands and resort beaches to the west of St. Petersburg on the Gulf are connected by several causeways.

