
圣安吉洛 sison ison ' jəlo [关键,城市(1990流行。德克萨斯州汤姆·格林公司的席位为84,474)。在那里,两个岔口汇合形成了康乔河;1869年,公司1903年。它是一个重要的羊毛和马海毛市场,也是一大片绵羊、山羊和牛牧场的贸易和航运点;灌溉农场;以及石油和天然气领域。肉类和乳制品;鞋子;皮革制品; surgical sutures; and stone, fiberglass, and metal items are also produced. Founded beside a border military post, Fort Concho (1866; restored as a museum), San Angelo was a rough frontier town of cattle trails and overland traffic in the 1870s; it grew after the coming of the railroad in 1888. Angelo State Univ. is there. Goodfellow Air Force Base adjoins the city, and Lake Nasworthy and O. C. Fisher Lake reservoirs are nearby.

