
斯克兰顿城市(1990年流行。81,805),宾夕法尼亚州东北部拉克万纳公司所在地。在一个山区,拉克万纳河上;1866年在18世纪定居。以乔治·W·布什命名。斯克兰顿它是宾夕法尼亚州东北部无烟煤地区周边的商业和工业中心。1797年,这里首次铸造了铁。早期的产品是煤矿机械、机车和轨道。第二次世界大战后采矿业减少;由此造成的失业在很大程度上被一项成功的发展服务业的公民计划所抵消。这个城市仍然有制造业(食品;电气设备;雪茄;服装及纺织品;武器; and plastic, concrete, and metal products), but production declined sharply, as did Scranton's population, in the late 20th cent. The Univ. of Scranton, Marywood Univ., and a branch of Pennsylvania State Univ. are in the city. Of interest are are the Everhart Museum of Natural History, Science, and Art; the main public library; a former coal mine and historical museum; a large Masonic temple–Scottish rite cathedral; historic blast furnaces; and Steamtown National Historic Site (see国家公园和纪念碑、表)。该地区有许多湖泊、国家森林和娱乐场所。

