
塔尔萨 tŭl´sə[关键,城市(1990流行。367,302),俄克拉荷马州东北部塔尔萨市所在地。在阿肯色河E与西马隆河的交汇处;公司1898年。随着麦克莱伦-科尔水道的开通(1971年),它成为了一个内陆港口,一条440英里(708公里)的水道将它与墨西哥湾连接起来。塔尔萨是美国石油工业的重要中心,拥有生产石油产品和相关设备的炼油厂和工厂。尽管炼油功能在20世纪后期有所下降,但几家大型石油公司仍在那里设立了业务办公室和研究实验室。这座城市的许多制造业包括空调;沥青;油田、管道和通信设备; rubber and glass products; metal castings; agricultural chemicals; and power tools. The aerospace industry and banking are also important. An extensive park system and well-planned communities characterize the residential aspect of the city; the notable Gathering Place (opened 2018) is designed for both landscape and play. Tulsa is also a cultural and educational center with a symphony orchestra, opera, and ballet, all of which perform at the Tulsa Performing Arts Center; the Philbrook Museum of Art; the Gilcrease Museum; and the BOK Center, a multipurpose arena designed by Cesar Pelli. The Univ. of Tulsa, Oral Roberts Univ., and campuses of Oklahoma State Univ. and the Univ. of Oklahoma are in the city. Tulsa grew as a cattle-shipping village after the coming of the railroad in 1882 and boomed with the discovery of oil nearby in 1901. In 1921 one of its black districts, Greenwood, was the scene of a notorious race riot by whites.


