
Poznaı poz´四周ə[关键蒙古包。波兹南 pō´z n[ə关键,城市(1994年流行音乐。589,300),是维尔科波尔斯基省的首府。位于波兰中部,瓦尔塔河上的港口。它是一个重要的工业和铁路中心,也是一个大型国际贸易博览会的举办地。制造业包括机械、金属和化学品。它在基督教进入波兰之前成立,成为(968)第一个波兰主教区和波兰国家的核心。它一直留在波兰,直到第二次瓜分(1793年),它被移交给普鲁士。1807年波兹纳基被纳入华沙大公国,1815年再次移交给普鲁士,1919年回归波兰。第二次世界大战期间,波兰被德国吞并,数千波兰人被驱逐出境。这座城市是一个罗马天主教区(创建于1821年),有一所大学(创建于1919年)。 Since 1922 it has been the site of an annual international spring fair. In 1956 a workers' strike at a metallurgical plant in Poznaı spread to other cities and led to changes in the high-ranking leadership of the Polish Communist party. The city has many old churches and museums with important art objects. Its most notable buildings are a Gothic cathedral (badly damaged in World War II) and a 16th-century city hall. A city-province, it is also the capital of Poznaı prov.

