Antarctic Peninsula

Antarctic Peninsula,glaciated mountain region of WAntarctica, extending c.1,200 mi (1,930 km) N toward South America. In the south, volcanic peaks rise to c.11,000 ft (3,350 m); other volcanic cones are hidden beneath the ice. Most of its NE coast is fringed by the Larsen ice shelf. The peninsula is surrounded by numerous islands, including the South Shetlands and the Palmer Archipelago. The tip of the peninsula, 670 mi (1,078 km) from Cape Horn, is Antarctica's farthest point from the South Pole. The continent's only flowering plants are found on the peninsula.

The northwest coast of the peninsula is believed to have been mapped by the British navigator EdwardBransfieldin Jan., 1820, and was explored by sealers in 1820–21. First considered to be part of the continent, the peninsula was later (1928) thought to be a group of islands; the John Rymill expedition (1934–37) proved its peninsularity. It was originally named Palmer Peninsula by Americans for NathanielPalmer, a U.S. captain who explored the area in Nov., 1820. In 1832, Britain claimed it and called itGraham Landand Trinity Peninsula. Argentina claimed it in 1940 as San Martin Land and Chile in 1942 as O'Higgins Land. In 1964, by international agreement, the entire feature was called the Antarctic Peninsula; Graham Land, Trinity Peninsula, andPalmer Landare used as local names. The peninsula is now the site of numerous research stations.

The disintegration of a Rhode Island–sized expanse of one section of the Larsen ice shelf over a few weeks time in 2002, although directly due to locally warmer temperatures, was also regarded by some scientists as a result of the more generalglobal warming. It was the largest of several ice shelf retreats on the peninsula that have occurred since the 1960s. The Larsen ice shelf has since been much further reduced, most dramatically in 2017 when a Delaware-sized iceberg separated from another section of the ice shelf.

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