
伏伊伏丁那Voivodina voi“voydē´nä [关键](1991年流行)。2013,889), 8301平方英里(21,500平方公里),塞尔维亚北部。诺维萨德是主要的城市和行政中心。它是潘诺尼亚平原的一部分,由多瑙河、蒂萨河和萨瓦河灌溉,是塞尔维亚人口最密集的地区之一。大约60%的土地正在耕种。它是塞尔维亚的粮仓;谷物、水果(尤其是用来做白兰地的李子)、葡萄和蔬菜被广泛种植。养牛也很重要,食品加工是最重要的产业。除了诺维萨德,主要城市还有苏博蒂察、兹雷贾宁、桑博和潘涅夫沃。在16世纪被土耳其人征服之前,该地区曾是匈牙利和克罗地亚的一部分,1699年《帕萨罗维茨条约》(Treaty of Passarowitz)将其恢复给匈牙利王室。该地区的部分地区在18世纪被包括在南匈牙利的军事边境,整个地区被奥斯曼帝国的塞尔维亚和克罗地亚逃亡者以及德国殖民者定居。目前的人口仍然是混合的,包括塞尔维亚人,克罗地亚人,马扎尔人(匈牙利人),罗马尼亚人和斯洛伐克人。 The region was ceded (1920) to Yugoslavia by the Treaty of Trianon, and it received autonomy in 1946. As constituted in 1946, the Vojvodina consists of three sections—the Srem, in the southwest, which was part of Croatia-Slavonia until 1918; the Backa, in the northwest, which was an integral part of Hungary; and the western part of the Banat of Temesvar. Under the Yugoslavian constitution of 1974, Vojvodina and Serbia's other province Kosovo were designated autonomous provinces within Serbia. The autonomy, however, was largely rescinded in the 1990 Serbian constitution, but legislation since has partially restored (2002) and strengthened (2009) Vojvodina's autonomy.

