
拉丁姆 lā´shēəm [关键斜体字。拉齐奥,地区(1990 Pop。5,170,672),6,642 SQ MI(17,203平方公里),意大利中部,从亚平线向西延伸到Tyrrhenian海。罗马是该地区的首都,该地区分为Frosinone, Latina, Rieti, Rome和Viterbo provs。(以它们的首都命名)。该地区主要是丘陵和多山,有一个狭窄的沿海平原,其中大部分是在20世纪20年代开垦的坎帕尼亚大区di罗马桥的沼泽).农业是区域经济的支柱;产品包括谷物、蔬菜、葡萄、橄榄和饲料。羊和牛被饲养。罗马是拉提姆主要的商业、服务业和工业中心。该地区的工业得到了刺激(20美分左右),因为在Aniene河和Liri河上修建了水力发电设施,在Latina修建了一座核电站。制造业包括化学品、水泥、纺织品、建筑材料和加工食品。这里有庞大的旅游业,沿海地区尤其盛产渔业,奇维塔韦基亚是该地区的主要港口。在古代,Latium包括台伯河延伸到阿尔班山的有限区域E和S;直到1870年它成为意大利的一部分之后,才达到了现在的极限。 In early Roman times Latium was inhabited by the Latins, the Etruscans (N of the Tiber River), and several Italic tribes. In the 3d cent. BC, Rome subdued all of Latium. The fertile coastal plain became marshy, malaria-infested, and impoverished during the late Roman Empire and early Republic. After the fall of Rome, Latium was invaded in turn by the Visigoths, the Vandals, and the Lombards. From the 8th cent. the duchy of Rome, including most of modern Latium, belonged to the popes. Their authority was not always recognized in the towns, which were ruled at times as free communes or by local feudal lords. Except for the area S of Terracina, which belonged to the kingdom of Naples, Latium remained a part of the Papal States until 1870. In World War II, S Latium was the scene of bloody battles during the Allied drive on Rome (see卡西安齐奥).罗马有两所大学,罗马也是梵蒂冈的所在地。

