
巴利阿里群岛 bălēăr´ĭk (关键,跨度。巴利阿里 balā´rās [关键在地中海西部,西班牙附近的一个群岛,与巴利亚雷省共展的自治社区。(2011年流行。1,100,503), 1,927平方英里(4,992平方公里),西班牙。帕尔马是首都。主要岛屿是马略卡岛、米诺卡岛和伊比沙岛。巴利阿里群岛以其风景和温和的气候而闻名,是一个主要的旅游目的地。除旅游业外,农业和渔业是主要的经济活动;水果、葡萄酒、橄榄油、陶器和银丝被出口。加泰罗尼亚语和卡斯蒂利亚语都使用。从史前时代就有人居住了——这里有大量的塞浦路斯人遗迹——这些岛屿被伊比利亚人、腓尼基人、希腊人、迦太基人、罗马人和拜占庭人占领过。 The Moors, who first came in the 8th cent., established (11th cent.) an independent kingdom, which became the seat of powerful pirates, harassing Mediterranean coastal cities and trade. James I of Aragón conquered (1229–35) the islands. They were included (1276–1343) in the independent kingdom of Majorca and reverted to the Aragonese crown under Peter IV. At the outbreak of the Spanish civil war (1936), Majorca and Ibiza were seized by Insurgent forces—Majorca becoming a base of the Italian fleet—while Minorca remained in the hands of the Loyalists until 1939.

