
卡塔赫纳,纬度。Carthago新星,城市(1990流行)。175,966),穆尔西亚省。位于西班牙东南部,位于地中海。它是一个重要的海港和海军基地,有良好的天然港口,有堡垒保护,有海军兵工厂和重要的造船和冶金工业。铅、铁和锌在附近被开采和加工,但古代迦太基人和罗马人开发的丰富的银矿现在几乎枯竭了。这座城市是一个圣公会的地方。它是由哈斯德鲁巴公元225年创立的公元前不久成为繁荣的港口,迦太基人在西班牙的主要基地。公元前209年被大西庇阿(Scipio Africanus Major)占领,在罗马人统治下继续繁荣。摩尔人在公元8世纪占领了它,后来把它纳入穆尔西亚。 The Spaniards recovered it definitively in the 13th cent. Cartagena was sacked (1585) by Sir Francis Drake and figured later in the Peninsular and Carlist wars. It served as the Loyalist naval base during the civil war (1936–39). In the 20th cent. it suffered from the competition of other Mediterranean ports (e.g., Barcelona, Málaga, and Valencia). The medieval Castillo de la Concepción, whose ruins are surrounded by fine gardens, commands a splendid view of the city and harbor. No traces of the ancient city remain.

